Our New Book • Available now

Get the truth about porn…
- How it’s shaping the lives of those around you
- The shocking truth about what’s in today’s porn
- Insight from science and mental health professionals
- How you and loved ones can find healing and freedom

About the Book
THE FACTS ON PORN are indisputable, and they are heartbreaking. Pornography, much which is created against a backdrop of coercion and exploitation, is invading our lives—even the lives of our young children.
Author Benjamin Nolot, known for his filmmaking and his battle against sex trafficking, spent more than ten years researching and writing Raised on Porn. This book is not some shrill attack on free speech or free expression. It is based on interviews with porn producers, directors, and performers, as well as neuroscientists, mental health professionals, and individuals and families who have been affected by pornography.
Raised on Porn is a carefully reasoned and thoroughly documented look at how porn has infiltrated modern life, why it matters, and how we can respond.
This book is a must-read for every parent, youth leader, educator, or anyone who cares about human rights, especially the rights of our most vulnerable people.
Trigger warning: This book contains stories of sexual abuse and sexual scenarios.
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Excerpt from the Book
If you fell asleep 100 years ago, you would have closed your eyes in an era when a person would be hard-pressed to find a sexually explicit image of any kind. But you would awaken to a world saturated in pornography. As you emerged from your slumber, you would see a world fundamentally altered by hypersexualized media—a world where human sexuality had been fundamentally redefined.
Most of us have been exposed to porn in one way or another. Academic studies report that between 9316 and 100 percent17 of boys, and between 6218 and 82 percent19 of girls are exposed to internet porn during their adolescence...
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About Benjamin Nolot

BENJAMIN NOLOT is an award-winning documentary filmmaker and writer whose credits include Nefarious: Merchant of Souls, a film about human trafficking, Liberated: The New Sexual Revolution, a Netflix documentary about the exploitation of female bodies and porn’s impact on hookup culture, the film version of Raised on Porn, and the Beyond Fantasy documentary miniseries which exposes violation, coercion, and abuse in the porn industry. He is the CEO and founder of Exodus Cry, an international nonprofit organization that works to uproot trafficking, commercial sexual exploitation, and has mobilized millions of others in this fight.